Tiverton Tabletop Club (TTC) is a non-profit unincorporated association, governed by a volunteer committee.
The purpose of the TTC is to offer adults a place to game and play wargames. Due to the overhead from safeguarding requirements, we cannot offer this service to under 18’s.
The responsibility of the committee is to facilitate the room bookings with the venue, and to collect admission fees from attendees. Any money collected will be used solely for paying for the room bookings, and for the upkeep of club supplies – gaming boards and terrain.
A ledger of attendance and finances will be kept and made available for any audit request, and fees will be regularly reviewed to ensure that we are offering the best value to our members.
The committee will hold an AGM each year, and give a state of affairs summary, as well as announce any changes to the club operations. Should any of the committee wish to step down, a replacement will be voted on and appointed during the AGM. Additionally, if members are unhappy with the management of the Committee, they can use the AGM to call a vote of no confidence in order to replace the committee.