This weeks’ update is kind of a minor one really, but it is an important aspect of what we all like to do. The Hobby. Shortly, we will be launching a hobby section on this website that we will be using to showcase our attendees models, as well as (hopefully) regular hobby-centric articles, whether its painting, terrain, kitbashing or something else entirely (did someone say Battle Reports?!). While the cynics would be right that this is partly in aid of appeasing the almighty algorithm and increasing our visibility on social media – we do hope to be a helpful and engaging resource to the community at large.
But there’s more – everyone has had that moment where they turn up to game night and their opponent has dropped or running very late, sometimes the numbers are just uneven leaving someone out in the proverbial cold. We don’t want anyone to feel dissuaded from turning up on the chance that they might just turn around and go home again, so we are making available a Hobby Table at our club meets. At the moment it is just a table with a half decent lamp to paint by (you do need to remember and bring your own painting supplies). But in time, if it gets used and proves useful, we hope to grow this offering to be more self sufficient. And the best part – attendance fees don’t apply to the Hobby Table. Not being able to get a game shouldn’t be so much of a downer if you have made the time and effort to come to us, so pack a model, some paint and brushes extra in your bag, and always have the option to paint and relax.